The history of acupuncture
Acupuncture comes from two Latin words: Sting "Paper" in English and "Pungere", which means that the needle. His story in China more than 2000 years originated and developed in various forms.
A number of techniques of acupuncture not needles no longer used. Vibrating objects, ultrasound and even the fingers of the practitioner to make some work of those who feel better taken.
The history of acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical texts, called the "Huang Di Nei Jing" or the yellow of Emperor's classic of internal medicine for the first time discussed.
But there are a few, the skeptics are how archaeologists have found a 5000 year old mummy in the Alps with similar points in the body. This gives some people indeed the idea that it was used before the Chinese but sine there is no written text is to prove that no one is safe and credit to this ancient practice goes back to the Chinese.
This knowledge moved to Japan in the 6th century. A century of the man wanted to named Waichi Sugiyama makes this process painless for the patient developed it so the tube, a small cylindrical tube by the needle is inserted. Believe it or not, this technique is still used today.
But acupuncture reached only the United States in the early 1980s by establishing a Council of regulators, the National Commission for acupuncture and Oriental medicine. As a result, different schools have been built and that licensed acupuncturists are now to be able to exercise their profession.
There were a lot of people who are already convinced about the benefits of alternative forms of medication. It was only in 1995 that the u.s. food and Drug Administration decided to classify medical instruments for Acupuncture needles and publicly insured that you both safe and effective.
Continue to promote acupuncture, the NIH or National Institute of health in 1997 that this technique very useful in the treatment of various diseases. These include ear, nose, throat, respiratory, gastrointestinal, eye, nervous system and muscle disorders. Is acupuncture State, some to avoid in some cases.
This was reinforced by the fact that the side effects of acupuncture, much less than the conventional drugs that are sold by pharmaceutical companies.
So people with acupuncture, another recommendation of the NIH for companies in the u.s. is full coverage for certain conditions. If you do not quality, maybe there is partial coverage, your policy, you should look up.
But regardless, more research needs to be done to see the impact on other health problems. Some of these examples addictions, autism, chronic back pain, migraine and osteoarthritis of the knee.
You look at the history of acupuncture, not much has changed, because the needle technique used, is still used today. Although various forms over the years have developed is one thing for sure that it works.
To see how effective it is that you should see a specialist is not only qualified to your condition, but also is well trained to handle.
Label: Acupuncture
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